Looking to implement corequisites in a way that works for your institution? Some schools have gone all-in on coreqs while others have implemented them more sparingly. The right approach for your school may be somewhere in between. Let’s examine some options to find the right fit for you.
The growth of artificial intelligence (AI) has altered education, providing powerful tools for learning, research, problem-solving, and productivity. However, this progression also raises concerns about academic integrity. As AI-generated content becomes increasingly sophisticated, educators face challenges in distinguishing between genuine student work and AI-generated submissions. This presentation explores the intersection of AI and academic honesty by examining the ethical implications, potential risks of AI misuse, and strategies for maintaining integrity in mathematics education. We will discuss how AI can both support and threaten academic standards, highlight solutions regarding summative and formative assessment, and discuss ways in which AI can be used as a beneficial tool in the mathematics classroom if used appropriately. We can harness AI’s benefits while upholding the values of originality and critical thinking by being open about when and how AI tools are to be used to promote success.